
Important notification while embedding games 121221

Ads should be requested from the game's page url to avoid loss of ads performance. To make this happen please adjust your game frame request url as follows: gmd_referrer_url should be added to the request url . To do that please modify your request url as


Correct usage

If your page url is https://www.example.com/games then your request url should be as follows: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://html5.gamemondi.com/d0a67df25f7e451aad27f02464594583/?gmd_referrer_url=https://www.example.com/games/{game-path}.
You can check example url below to see how we are using in this page.

Wrong usage


Sheep story


About "Sheep story"

Having trouble sleeping? Try to distract yourself from obsessive thoughts and count sheep. But it won't be easy! One cunning sorcerer does not want to give you a rest, so you will have to fight off his witchcraft tricks. Travel to an unknown world where flocks of sheep roam and are not very happy to see a stranger on their territory. Try to avoid colliding with them and save your life.

As you level up, you anger the curly-haired animals, making them more agile.

The game provides scoring for defeated sheep, you can see the results in the leaderboard through the Yandex interface.

The game has no age restrictions.

Example URL
