
Important notification while embedding games 121221

Ads should be requested from the game's page url to avoid loss of ads performance. To make this happen please adjust your game frame request url as follows: gmd_referrer_url should be added to the request url . To do that please modify your request url as


Correct usage

If your page url is https://www.example.com/games then your request url should be as follows: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://html5.gamemondi.com/d0a67df25f7e451aad27f02464594583/?gmd_referrer_url=https://www.example.com/games/{game-path}.
You can check example url below to see how we are using in this page.

Wrong usage


Soccer Boys


About "Soccer Boys"

One click jump and shoot is a super fun game for kids and gamers alike! You can choose from different sweet characters to play the game. The aim of the game is simple: Take a powerful shot at your opponent's goal and score 3 goals before it does.

Choose between more than 20 characters and take your place at the top!

Jump and shoot with one click, Easy enough for beginners, but challenging enough for experienced players who want more challenge, All you have to do is one click away, let's see if you can become the champion by getting 3 wins first.

You have 5 different abilities

- Enlarge the ball
- Enlarging the Castle
- Minimizing the Castle
- Rival Ice Cream
- Throwing bombs on the ground

Example URL
